Our Aim

Double the farmer’s income in state through Creation of job opportunity in Agriculture / horticulture sector in Rural Uttarakhand

Our Strategy

Collective Farming and creation Of Farm Produce Based Start-up Companies to establish any entrepreneurship based program aiming to provide livelihood opportunities in village clusters and promote reverse migration trend in Uttarakhand, four major challenges need to be addressed seriously.

  1. Human wildlife conflict in agriculture
  2. Conservation of natural water springs and rivulets
  3. Bridging gap between availability of fodder and fuel wood
  4. Creation of farm based business models

Our honorable prime minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji, has envisioned to double the farmers income by 2022. The government of India has also aimed for same. Uttarakhand using its unique geographical identity have great opportunities to become organic farming state. Uttarakhand can be flagship state for fulfilling the dream of honorable prime minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji through improving the income of hill farmers by advanced agriculture, horticulture, medicinal and aromatic plants cultivation, processing and bee keeping.

We have prepared a detailed program aimed to achieve the objective of doubling the farming income in a time bound manner before 2022. This program has been designed in a way so that farming clusters and proposed farm based companies can be easily be dovetailed with existing government schemes, project funded by World Bank and Central Government of India.

Our Plan of Action

Restoration of degraded Van Panchayats, grass land, grazing lands (Phase I).

Developing nurseries in different location in state for large scale production of wild fruit trees and native shrubs (food of monkeys and wild boar), fodder trees, fuel wood trees. (phase I)

Developing Bee keeping activities in villages and scaling up. (Phase I)

Restoration of catchment areas for conservation of natural water springs. (Point tow and three are interlinked).(Phase I)

Large scale cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants (for turnover and income of proposed companies). (Phase II)

Creation of seed banks and post harvesting facilities. (to support nurseries in Phase II)

Proposed Activates

  1. Identification of Partner for Program.
  2. U with the Private Partner.
  3. Creation of Farmer Companies. (Will do Joint Farming in all Agricultural Land).
  4. Realization of need of numbers of each identified species which will be transferred in Van Panchayat.
  5. Realization of medicinal and aromatic plants cuttings/ plants for large scale cultivation.
  6. Mapping of water springs and rivulets and planning to use them in agriculture.
  7. Establishment of Nurseries for each company.
  8. Selection of Medicional plant species.
  9. Budget realization for Van Panchayat / catchment / spring treatment. (Plantation + Tanks +RAM Pumps+ Solar Pumps).
  10. Planning by to fulfill industrial demand of different MAPs.
  11. Designing/ development of budget for field expenses of each company.
  12. Planning for training of company for nursery establishment and field transfer of species in Van Panchayats and agriculture land.
  13. Assessment of annual requirement of planting material required for each company and budget development.
  14. Training of farmers on protocols to cultivate MAPS and treatment of Van Panchayats.
  15. Creation of Infrastructure to handle fresh material of MAPs.
  16. Training of G.A.C.P as per W.H.O rules.
  17. Training for bulk drying /packaging/ labeling and Storage.
  18. Development of website for farmers to connect them with central data base of funding agency.
  19. Monitoring of program
  20. Catchment treatment
  21. Development of participatory rural appraisal for business
  22. Business establishment and development of distribution chain of produces.
  23. Creation of post harvesting facilities
  24. Development of products (Soap /Toothpaste /Oil /face wash /Shampoo)
  25. Development of website for documentation of farmers
  26. Training of local carder.
  27. Creation of seed bank and dissemination of genetic material.
  28. Development and linking farmers with farming equipment.


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